Wednesday, September 4, 2019

A Sonnet: Dead


       Done with You, done with You, done with You it was
       Done with dark feelings of despair and done it was
       Difficult it was, a mysterious difficulty to look like a cult like
       Demeanor. It was daunting. It was daunting oh my dove.

       It seemed dispiriting when Your spirit was gone, gone
       Is Your spirit. Your vision, Your viewpoint seems to diminish:

'Dusk has fallen already. Look, the sky is darkening, let's go home.
Enough for today, it's adequate that it's murky dark.'

Is the beloved dead in the dark? Or is the darkness death dead?
In obscurity, in swarthiness He leaves. Gone like a song in silence.
Gone last speckle of green light. We are waiting for daybreak
With a residue of despair. What have You done? Done with it.

The nights are mad... The nights are definitely made for dreams.
Forwarded. Undead. Delightful is Your conduct at dawn.

Abigail Valkenburg 

Descent from the Cross by Sir Peter Paul Rubens (1577-1640), Antwerp

Thursday, June 13, 2019

My Poem: My Final Words

My Final Words

To those who want to take my life
Who want to rip me of my ground
Who do not like my human brain
Oh, tuneless twist and lousy sound!

A sound of many words we've heard
With robust letters written down
The prophets books of law and love:
The King descending from above!

Descending in a Hebrew town
To sow, to see, to spread the Word
Evolve His love around the earth
Came round to love you too, on earth.

But no! You want to take our lives
Your hate was dozing for a while
Again, again it's bursting out!
Satanic lies equip a pile.

Because of Jesus I forgive
Your senseless threats, I love you still
With veils enveloped sisters too
A thrill of brotherhood I feel.

A message from our Lord: no fight!
But dare to dream a dream tonight!
A gentle gesture from above
Annul your hate, accept My love.

Abigail Valkenburg, June 12, 2019